File No. 763.72111/3358

The Secretary of State to the Italian Ambassador ( Macchi di Cellere )

My Dear Mr. Ambassador: I have just been informed by the Treasury Department that the Italian steamer Verona has arrived at New [Page 751] York from Genoa with two 76 millimeter Armstrong rapid-fire guns mounted on the stern and 200 solid armor piercing shells, and that the first, second, and third officers and first and second engineers and some of the crew are members of the Italian Naval Reserve, the gun crew consisting of first and second officers and seven men.

In conformity with the case of the Italian steamship Giuseppe Verdi, I wish to call this matter to your attention with the hope that you will find it possible to instruct the captain either to remove these guns before he clears, or that you will obtain for me the formal assurances of your Government that the guns on board the Verona will only be used for defensive purposes, and not to attack a submarine whilst being warned.

I am [etc.]

Robert Lansing