File No. 763.72111Ap4/114

The Collector of Customs at Norfolk (Hamilton) to the Assistant Secretary of the Treasury (Peters)


. . . In compliance with departmental instructions based upon telegram received from the Honorable Secretary of State February 2d, I proceeded to-day in person aboard the S. S. Appam accompanied by customs officers, and immediately went to a conference with Commander Berg on the subject of the immediate release from the Appam of all persons who desired to be released, and who came in on the ship, except the prize officer and prize crew, or those who had acted as members of the prize crew in the navigation of the ship. There were present at this conference, Commander Berg, Prince Hatzfeldt from the German Embassy, who was at the time aboard the ship, Deputy Collector and Inspector of Customs J. A. Kendler, and myself. I carried with me aboard of the Appam a memorandum, copy of which enclosed herewith marked Exhibit 1, and a letter addressed to Lieut. Hans Berg, also enclosed, marked Exhibit 2.1 My planned course of action was to renew verbal request for release of all those aboard the Appam except as above outlined, by making verbal request in the words of the enclosed memorandum marked Exhibit 1. If refusal came from the German commander my plan was then to deliver the enclosed written communication marked Exhibit 2. Upon making the renewed request in the words as contained in Exhibit 1, Prince Hatzfeldt asked if this was based upon decision by the State Department following Commander Berg’s contention that the crew of the Appam and certain others should not be released. I informed him it was. Whereupon, the commander of the ship, at the instance of Prince Hatzfeldt, said all would be released as outlined in the request. . . .

[File copy not signed]
  1. Neither printed.