File No. 763.72111So4/18

The British Ambassador ( Spring Rice ) to the Secretary of State

My Dear Mr. Secretary: I have received a telegram from the Governor General of Canada with regard to the case of some invalided soldiers from Jamaica who are now at Halifax. It appears that the Government of Jamaica have requested the Canadian authorities to forward these men to Jamaica by way of New York, but the Canadian authorities are uncertain whether this procedure would not be contrary to the wishes of the United States Government in such matters, as indicated in your letter to me of the 22d ultimo. The Governor General has therefore asked me to ascertain whether there would, in the special circumstances of the case, be any objection to these men being sent from Halifax to Jamaica via New York.

As the matter is somewhat urgent, I should be grateful if I could be favoured with your views on the point as soon as may be conveniently practicable.

I am [etc.]

Cecil Spring Rice