File No. 300.115/6886

Form letter to consignees of parcel-post packages seized by British authorities

The Department is in receipt of your letter of . . . 1916, relative to the reported seizure by the British authorities of certain parcel-post packages from Germany intended for you.

It is understood by the Department that ordinary merchandise, when forwarded overseas by parcel post is subject to search and seizure as such merchandise would be subject if shipped by ordinary ocean freight. You are advised, however, that, according to recent telegraphic advices from the American Ambassador at London, all mail found by the British authorities to be “innocent,” or of a non-contraband nature, is permitted to go forward to the addressees immediately, but matter retained is sent to the prize court for adjudication. If the packages to which you refer are sent to the prize court, it is the duty of the owner to make claim for his property before such court and to support that claim by pertinent evidence.

I am [etc.]

For the Secretary of State:
Alvey A. Adee