File No. 763.72112/2126

The Postmaster General (Burleson) to the Secretary of State

Sir: Referring to your letter of the 18th ultimo, enclosing a copy of a personal note from the British Ambassador at this capital dated the 4th ultimo, concerning the alleged shipment of contraband articles from this country to Sweden by parcel post, have the honor to inform you that the parcel-post mails from this country for Sweden are composed exclusively of parcels mailed in this country addressed for delivery in Sweden. As such parcels originate in a neutral country and are destined for and delivered to the addressees in another neutral country, it is not understood that the rules pertaining [Page 593] to contraband are applicable thereto. This Department would be pleased to be furnished, however, with your views respecting the matter.

A copy of the parcel-post convention between the United States and Sweden is herewith enclosed for ready reference.1

By direction of the Postmaster General.

Very respectfully,

Otto Praeger

Second Assistant Postmaster General
  1. Not printed.