File No. 763.72112/2556
The Minister in the Netherlands (Van Dyke) to the Secretary of State
[Received May 31.]
Sir: I have the honor to report that upon receipt of your cabled instruction No. 311, of May 11, I immediately began the investigation of the information which the Department has received in regard to the apparent discrimination of the Netherlands Oversea Trust against the American trade with the Netherlands in coffee. I found abundant reason to believe that the information is correct and that the charge against the Oversea Trust is a true bill.
On Saturday, May 13, I had a personal conversation with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, and brought the facts to his attention and told him that I had been instructed to protest as strongly as possible against the alleged action of the Oversea Trust. On Monday, the 15th, I sent to the Foreign Office a formal protest, of which a copy is herewith enclosed.
[Page 585]It will be observed from the wording of this protest that the undetermined status of the Oversea Trust in its relation to the Netherlands Government, still causes a certain difficulty in dealing directly and definitely with this subject, as has been the case with other matters of the same kind; for example, the question of the shipments of gold from the United States, which was discussed in my cablegrams No. 552, of April 11, and No. 559, of April 14, and in my despatch No. 457, of April 25.1
The Oversea Trust is technically a private corporation; but as a matter of fact it has now come to exercise practically governmental functions in the promotion, the restraint, and the direction of trade. Its contracts with the British Government place it effectually under the control of that Government. I am informed on good authority that it now has goods consigned to it to the value of many millions of florins, which are at present lying in Rotterdam and which it is unable to deliver to its clients because of orders received from London.
So far as the questions of American trade with Holland which arise here are concerned, I do not believe that it will be possible to arrive at any definite or satisfactory solution of them through the Netherlands Foreign Office, until we have a clear statement and definition of the relation of the Netherlands Government to the Oversea Trust in its virtual control of Dutch marine commerce.
I have [etc.]
- None of these printed.↩