File No. 300.115/10390

The Consul General at London (Skinner) to the Secretary of State


Department’s 14th. Of needle manufacturers recommended by Chamber of Commerce only John Jardine open to accept orders for latch needles. Jardine offers numbers 60, 12, 20, 6, 8 and 5 XL; 4 and 7 Pearl; and 24 G Scott Williams. Amos Tatham endeavoring to fulfil home requirements, sending surplus to Allies whose needs urgent. W. Haskard reports owing shortness labor are finishing [Page 575] off orders and will close needle department unless situation improves. Walter Tatham reports impossible supply America. Toone and Company think restrictions on import of needles will be removed, and if so, they may be able to reexport some later on. Consul at Nottingham reports local dealers have been purchasing .American needles and American firms had been importing from Germany. Since refusal of British to allow German needles to pass, shortage has arisen and orders accepted by local dealers on condition of securing license to import German needles. Agent at Leicester reports bearded needles available for America but situation different re latch needles, home demand not being satisfied. No needles can be exported without special license, as embargo prevails.
