File No. 300.115/7030a
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Great Britain (Page)
2632. British Government has refused Roessler and Hasslacher Chemical Company permit for uninterrupted shipment to United States 4,000 tons sodium cyanide because of inadequate proof of company’s liability for payment. Possibly other objections. Without recognizing British order in council March 11, 1915,4 communicate to [Page 562] Foreign Office urgent request of this Government that shipment 4,000 tons cyanide be permitted because indispensable to mining industry for extraction of gold, and to textile and many other important industries requiring bleaching agents derived from this material. Cyanide could be consigned to Secretary Commerce for release against bond limiting use of cyanide and derivatives to United States and to Mexico for gold mining, but ultimate consignee must be Roessler and Hasslacher Chemical Company as preparation cyanide derivatives is practically its monopoly. Strongly urge immediate favorable action and cable reply.