File No. 165.102/971a

The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Great Britain ( Page )


3359. Department’s 3850 [3316], May 13.1 Republic Trading Corporation has entered into definite contract with German manufacturers of dyestuffs for shipment 15,000 tons dyestuffs or as much thereof as is covered by British assurances of non-interference. Contract states that prices are to be the prevailing prices in Germany at time of delivery of dyestuffs. Department reliably informed these will certainly not average more than double ante bellum prices. Dyestuffs, if obtained, will be equitably distributed among American users dye-stuffs. Inform Foreign Office of these facts and unofficially urge early and favorable reply to your representations so that these 15,000 tons of dyestuffs which are urgently needed in United States for benefit American industries, or at least the $5,000,000 worth covered in previous permit to Republic Trading Corporation, may be allowed uninterrupted shipment. Cable reply.

  1. Ante p. 556.