File No. 300.115/9491

The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Great Britain (Laughlin)


3709. Your 4678, 8th. Delay in obtaining shipments of novocaine from Germany due to time consumed in obtaining German permit which was only definitely arranged for May 31 and only communicated to Metz June 21. German Government refused to allow shipment novocaine till notice arrival first shipment salvarsan in this country was communicated to it. Goods were paid for by Metz early in year at pre-war prices so that their shipment can mean no advantage to German exporters. Urgent need of novocaine by War Department, Public Health, and other governmental departments, and New York Department of Health, and throughout country. It is only product that takes place of cocaine for local anesthesia without deleterious effects and after-effects of cocaine and other habit-forming drugs. As permit granted on humanitarian grounds, it [Page 546] should not be regarded as lapsed, as humanitarian need of goods as great as ever or greater. As to production in this country, see Department’s 3650, 8th. Metz states that if amounts covered by British permit are allowed shipment, this will meet needs of country for six months, by which time he will be able to supply country by American production. Urgently endeavor unofficially obtain uninterrupted shipment these goods.
