File No. 300.115/9803

The Chargé in Great Britain (Laughlin) to the Secretary of State


4860. Following from Wyvell:

Regret it was impossible for me to complete the work in time to sail on the St. Paul; also commander [Chandler?] Anderson, legal officer of committee, is away but will return in few days and very necessary that I see him before returning. Presentation of cases has proceeded very nicely and smoothly for last few weeks. Harrison, Mitchell, and Jordan left week ago. Following is list of pending cases presented:1 . . . Following is list of rejected cases and canceled permits presented, but final presentation is not complete in all cases:2 . . . The determining factor choice of above cases was importance of case and chance of success. Fortunately they are fairly distributed among brokers and attorneys who have been presenting cases. I am still hopeful of satisfactory measure of success.

My judgment is that work can be entirely and satisfactorily completed by 20th instant, and I therefore plan to sail on Nieuw Amsterdam on the 22d.

  1. Ten names omitted.
  2. Twenty-nine names omitted.