File No. 763.72112/2668a
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Great Britain (Page)
3451. Your June 12. British Ambassador informs us will be agreeable to Foreign Office have lawyer go to London. Mr. Wyvell [Page 529] probably sail July 1. Insistent demand on part of importers that some one go over who is familiar with details of case. Sir Richard Crawford thoroughly understands situation and from the first has understood position of Department. Some cases where applications have been denied are extremely technical and involve many exhibits. Wyvell thoroughly familiar with these and his instructions are to carry on his work under your direction. When evidence is sifted out by Wyvell and officials of British Government and the points of difference determined, case will be in shape to be presented by you to Sir Robert Cecil. It should be borne in mind that some of these cases which are to be taken up were passed by the Embassy here. Importers are clamoring for permission to send their own lawyers over or the Department to send some one on those particular cases. It will only be necessary to secure for Wyvell a hearing before proper officials in order to present facts which should convince Foreign Office.