File No. 763.72112/2157

The Ambassador in Great Britain (Page) to the Secretary of State


3658. Your 2714, January 14. In reply to my informal representations, Foreign Office informs me that after investigation of various complaints received by British Embassy, Washington, and by Government in London, difficulties or delays have been found due to following causes:

Misdescription of the goods by the applicants themselves, e. g., “miscellaneous dry goods” being held to cover glassware, woodenware, linens, cottons, toys, kitchen indicators, etc.;
Failure of the applicants to state precisely whether goods are of German or Austrian origin;
Errors occurring in telegraphing the names of the applicants.

It is stated that telegrams and cases received from Embassy, Washington, are considered with utmost dispatch, but that it is often necessary for British Government to ask for elucidation of doubtful points in evidence; that it would be well for Department to tell applicants that they will be informed in due course as soon as a permit is issued, and that until they are so informed the papers submitted by them must be taken as being still under consideration; that on [Page 524] January 18 no fresh cases were awaiting consideration, but that all had been dealt with. A few new cases have been received by telegram since January 18 and some probably are on way by post.

Long note goes forward to-day by pouch.

American Embassy