File No. 763.72112/3167

The Vice Consul at London (Westacott) to the Secretary of State


Following articles declared as from 23d absolute contraband: diamonds suitable for industrial purposes, silk in all forms and manufactures thereof, silk cocoons, artificial silk and manufactures thereof, quillaia bark, zirconium, cerium, thorium and alloys and compounds thereof, zirconia and monazite sand. For gold, silver, paper money, etc., substitute gold, silver, paper money, securities, negotiable instruments, cheques, drafts, orders, warrants, coupons, letters of credit, delegation or advice, credit and debit notes or other documents which in themselves or if completed or if acted upon by recipient authorize, confirm, or give effect to the transfer of money, credit, or securities. Following declared conditional contraband: sponges raw and prepared, glue, gelatine and substances used in the manufacture thereof, empty barrels and casks of all kinds and their component parts.1

  1. Notice of the same additions and changes by the French Government was given by the Consul General at Paris in his telegram of November 23 (File No. 763.72112/3163).