File No. 763.72112/2796

The Ambassador in France (Sharp) to the Secretary of State


1517. The following notification by Foreign Affairs committee for restriction of enemy reprovisioning and commerce, published in Journal officiel of August 6:

French merchants are notified, in view of an eventual application of the law of April 4, 1915, that the Government of the Republic considers as enemies, or as playing with regard to the enemy the role of intermediaries, the persons, firms or companies published in the following list or upon additional lists which may be published later in the same form, and that in consequence all commercial [Page 428] transactions are forbidden with such persons, firms, or companies. As the lists cannot be complete, the fact of not being inscribed thereon can in no case be invoked and French merchants who entertain commercial relations with neutral countries should in case of doubt continue to take as regards their customers or their correspondents the dispositions embraced in the declaration annexed to the declaration of custom exit, that is to say, the [circular of the?] Dalmatica customhouse administration of May 2, 1916.

Black list as regards United States corresponds with British black list published in trading with the enemy continuance of statutory list No. 5, complete to July 18, 1916.
