File No. 763.72111/3870
The Minister in Roumania (Vopicka) to the Secretary of State
[Received July 21, 8.35 a. m.]
275. A certain number of Roumanians feel that Roumania should now join the Quadruple Entente providing Russia continues a successful offensive, but the King and Prime Minister from necessary caution are not in haste to take this step although all possible preparation for war is being made and soldiers have been notified to be [ready] at a moment’s notice. Accordingly I believe that if Russia is successful during the next four weeks, Roumania will enter the war on the side of the Quadruple Entente. If Roumania decides not to enter the war on this opportunity, I believe she will remain neutral. The Entente powers and their Roumanian sympathizers would consider such continuance of neutrality as favoritism towards the Central powers.