File No. 341.115At6/5
The Ambassador in Great Britain (Page) to the Secretary of State
[Received 3.45 p. m.]
4271. Your 3194,1 April 13, re Joseph W. Fordney . Foreign Office informs me in reply to my representations that the general considerations [Page 388] which I submitted in accordance with Department’s 3194 as to evidence on which a prize court may properly be asked to act were dealt with in the memorandum which was presented to United States Government by British Ambassador in Washington on April 24,1 and that as to the particular case of the Joseph W. Fordney , as has already been intimated, the British Government must decline to enter into any discussion of points which are awaiting decision in a case pending in the prize court. It is further stated that it is of course open to the claimants to submit to the court any of the considerations advanced in my note based on Department’s 3194 on which they may desire to rely.