File No. 763.72112/2361
The Ambassador in Great Britain (Page) to the Secretary of State
No. 3191
March 7, 1916
[Received March
Sir: I have the honor to enclose herewith,
for the information of the Department, a copy, in duplicate, of a
proclamation prohibiting
[Page 359]
trading with certain persons, or bodies of persons, of enemy
nationality or of enemy associations, entitled the “Statutory List”,
dated February 29, 1916, which has been received by the Embassy from
the Foreign Office.
I have [etc.]
Proclamation Prohibiting Trading with Certain
Persons, or Bodies of Persons, of Enemy Nationality or Enemy
Whereas by the Trading with the Enemy
(Extension of Powers) Act, 1915, it is enacted that We may by
Our Royal Proclamation prohibit all persons or bodies of
persons, incorporated or unincorporated, resident, carrying on
business, or being in the United Kingdom from trading with any
persons or bodies of persons even though not resident or
carrying on business in enemy territory or in territory in the
occupation of the enemy (other than persons or bodies of
persons, incorporated or unincorporated, residing or carrying on
business solely within Our Dominions) wherever by reason of the
enemy nationality or enemy association of such persons or bodies
of persons, incorporated or unincorporated, it appears to Us
expedient so to do.
And whereas it appears to Us expedient to prohibit all persons or
bodies of persons, incorporated or unincorporated, resident,
carrying on business, or being in the United Kingdom from
trading with any of the persons or bodies of persons mentioned
in the list hereunder written, by reason of the enemy
nationality or enemy association of such last-mentioned persons
or bodies of persons:
Now, therefore, We have thought fit,
by and with the advice of Our Privy Council, to issue this Our
Royal Proclamation declaring and it is hereby declared as follows:
- 1.
- All persons or bodies or [of] persons, incorporated or
unincorporated, resident, carrying on business, or being
in the United Kingdom are hereby prohibited from trading
with any of the persons or bodies of persons mentioned
in the list hereunder written, which list, with such
variations therein or additions thereto as may be made
by any Order made by the Lords of the Council on the
recommendation of a Secretary of State under the power
in that behalf given by Section I., sub-section (2) of
the Trading with the Enemy (Extension of Powers) Act,
1915, shall be called and is hereinafter referred to as
the “Statutory List.”
- 2.
- For the purposes of this Proclamation a person shall
be deemed to have traded with a person or body of
persons mentioned in the Statutory List if he enters
into any transaction or does any act with, to, on behalf
of, or for the benefit of, any such person or body of
persons which if entered into or done with, to, on
behalf of, or for the benefit of, an enemy would be
trading with the enemy, and accordingly Our Proclamation
relating to Trading with the Enemy, of the ninth day of
September, nineteen hundred and fourteen, as amended by
any subsequent Proclamation, shall apply with respect to
the persons or bodies of persons mentioned in the
Statutory List as if for references in such
Proclamations to enemies there were substituted
references to the persons and bodies of persons
mentioned in the Statutory List, and for references to
the dates of the said Proclamations, and the outbreak of
war there were substituted references to the date of
this Proclamation or in respect of any person or body of
persons hereafter added to the Statutory List the date
of the Order adding him or them to the Statutory
- 3.
- The provisions of the Trading with the Enemy Acts,
1914 to 1916, and of the Customs (War Powers) Acts, 1915
and 1916, and all other enactments relating to Trading
with the Enemy, shall, subject to such exceptions and
adaptations as are prescribed by Order in Council of
even date herewith or as may be prescribed by any Order
in Council hereafter to be issued, apply in respect of
the persons and bodies of persons mentioned in the
Statutory List, as if for references in such enactments
to trading with the enemy there were substituted
references to trading with the persons and bodies of
persons mentioned in the Statutory List, and for
references to enemies there were substituted references
to the persons and bodies of persons mentioned in the
Statutory List, and for references to offences under the
Trading with the
[Page 360]
Enemy Acts, 1914 to 1916, or any of those Acts, there
were substituted references to offences under the
Trading with the Enemy (Extension of Powers) Act,
- 4.
- Nothing in this Proclamation shall be taken to prohibit:
- (a)
- Any person or body of persons, incorporated or
unincorporated, resident, carrying on business, or
being in the United Kingdom who is engaged in any
neutral country in the business of insurance from
carrying on such business with or through the
agency of any of the persons or bodies of persons
mentioned in the Statutory List;
- (b)
- Any person or body of persons, incorporated or
unincorporated, resident, carrying on business, or
being in the United Kingdom who is engaged in
working any Railway or other service of Public
Utility in any neutral country under any Charter,
Grant, or Concession made by the Government of, or
by any Provincial or Municipal Authority in, any
such country from trading with any of the persons
or bodies of persons mentioned in the Statutory
List, so far only as is necessary to enable the
person or body of persons engaged in working such
Railway or other service of Public Utility to
comply with or fulfil the obligations or
conditions of the Charter, Grant, or Concession
under which the working of the Railway or other
service of Public Utility is carried on; or
- (c)
- Any person or body of persons, incorporated or
unincorporated, resident, carrying on business, or
being in the United Kingdom from entering into any
transaction or doing any act which shall be
permitted by Our Licence or by any Licence given
on Our behalf by a Secretary of State or by any
person authorized in that behalf by a Secretary of
State whether such Licence be specially granted to
an individual or be announced as applying to
classes of persons.
- 5.
- This Proclamation shall be called “The Trading with
the Enemy (Neutral Countries) Proclamation,
[Here follows the Statutory List.]
Given at Our Court at Buckingham Palace, this Twenty-ninth day of
February, in the Year of our Lord One thousand nine hundred and
sixteen, and in the Sixth Year of Our Reign.