File No. 763.72/2913

The Chargé in Germany (Grew) to the Secretary of State


4442. Referring to my cable 4436, October 6, 5 p. m. Indications from various sources are that the Chancellor has the political situation well in hand. In an informal conversation with Zimmermann last night, I told him unofficially that I feared my Government might become disquieted over the rumors in the press and elsewhere of a possible resumption of indiscriminate submarine warfare in violation of neutral rights. He assured me that the Chancellor had full control [Page 295] of the situation and that there was no danger of an altered policy. He added, however, that the submarine question as a political issue would never be finally laid at rest until the United States should bring pressure to bear on England to abandon the blockade, and he said that any steps taken in that direction would materially aid the Chancellor in dealing with those who wished to resume the indiscriminate submarine warfare here.
