File No. 763.72/2700

The Japanese Ambassador (Chinda) to the Secretary of State 1

My Dear Mr. Secretary: In continuation of my note of the 27th of January last,2 in which I took pleasure to acknowledge receipt of your note of the 24th idem containing a suggestion relating to the question of submarine warfare and armed merchantmen and to advise you that, in compliance with your request therein, the note had been referred to my Government, I now beg, under instructions from Baron Ishii, to inform you that my Government, finding themselves in complete agreement with the views of the Allied Governments, regret to be unable to see their way to meeting the suggestion of the Honorable the Secretary of State.

Accept [etc.]

S. Chinda
  1. Answered, June 1, 1916, in terms for the most part identical with letter of April 7, 1916, to the British Ambassador, ante, p. 223.
  2. Not printed.