File No. 763.72/2519
The Ambassador in Germany (Gerard) to the Secretary of State
[Received March 22, 9.50 a. m.]
3651. The German Government is undoubtedly using great pressure to prevent open discussion in the Reichstag of the resolutions quoted in my 3645,1 and they will probably be referred to committee as there is likewise considerable public sentiment against what is taken to be an attempt of the Conservatives and the National Liberals to attack the Chancellor and bring influence to bear on the conduct of the war at this critical stage.
The Socialists have tried in vain to talk of peace in Prussian House of Delegates, and a Socialist who said yesterday that all Europe wanted peace and yet public meetings to let the German people know the truth were stopped by force, was prevented from completing his speech by vote of the House after a stormy scene.
Papers print long accounts of Irish convention in New York March 4.