File No. 763.72/2449

The German Ambassador (Bernstorff) to the Secretary of State


J. Nr. A 1082

Mr. Secretary of State: Supplementing my communication of the 66th instant, A 1146,2 1 have the honor to transmit to your excellency a copy of the confidential instructions found on the Appam, which contain, among other things, the direction that any submarine approaching an English merchant vessel is to be treated as hostile.

Accept [etc.]

J. Bernstorff

The Governor of Sierra Leone (Merewether) to the Governor General of Nigeria at Lagos ( Lugard )

Following telegram from Secretary of State:

May 27. My telegram February 17, Admiralty desires that following additional confidential instructions are to be given to British-born masters of all British ships before returning to home waters:

Any submarine approaching a merchant vessel may be treated as hostile. Gunfire from the latest submarines is effective in fine weather and at first close range. If chased by submarine armed with gun, first attempt to escape; if this proves impossible turn and steer straight for submarine before she gets close enough to use her gun effectively. It is believed that German submarine must get into position nearly end on in order to fire a torpedo. In submarine waters all ships should proceed at utmost speed, fast ships whose speed exceeds ten knots should zigzag, course being altered at short and irregular intervals unless proximity of other vessels makes this unsafe for navigation. Underwater speed of submarine is low and zigzagging makes it difficult for it to get into position to deliver surprise attack. Wireless warnings sent out from St. Just and Valencia at 3 and 9 a. m. and p. m. in MV Code will tell you where submarines are active, but should necessity arise, warnings may be sent at any time. German submarines are fitted with wireless. No wireless signals except in emergency are allowed within 100 miles from British coast. Most important to make landfall after dark, and when position is verified, give coast a wide berth. Submarines can operate as surface boats at night; all unnecessary lights therefore increase the danger. The presence of a ship may be disclosed to a submarine by the undue use of sirens.

  1. Not printed.