File No. 763.72119/274

The Ambassador in Turkey (Elkus) to the Secretary of State


2360. Your circular telegram December 18.1 Yesterday I called upon the Minister for Foreign Affairs and fully carried out your instructions.

The Minister for Foreign Affairs who listened to my statements with great attention and interest expressed his thanks for the President’s action. He said that this coincides with peace offer made by the Central powers who sought to provoke replies from the Allies which would bring about peace negotiations. The principles practically the same in another form which he appreciates. I explained the real nature of the President’s message so that he fully understood it. He said that he believed there was a slight misunderstanding on one point. The Allies had clearly declared for what they fought. England had stated her aim was to crush Prussian militarism, which meant she wanted the destruction of the Prussian Army or of Germany. Russia fought for Constantinople, the Bosphorus, and the Dardanelles. These were concrete objects. On the other hand the Central powers had not stated they fought in defense of small peoples or states. In Turkey more than in any other country would efforts for peace be appreciated because she has been fighting for centuries and is now tired. He said that these statements should not be taken as a reply to the President’s message. Definite reply will be given after their allies had [have] been consulted.

My interview lasted a whole hour and the cabinet officers were waiting in the office of the Grand Vizier to learn nature of the proposal. If Turkish Government is willing, may I give full text of communication to press?

  1. Ante, p. 97.