File No. 763.72119/233

The Ambassador in Italy (Page) to the Secretary of State


759. I have communicated your circular instruction 18th1 this morning to the Minister for Foreign Affairs, after reading it to him and supporting it earnestly. He said that he must confer with colleagues before making response. He appeared somewhat disturbed by its presentation at this moment, saying that it would be difficult to disconnect it in public mind from notes of Central powers; also said that notwithstanding disclaimer, your suggestion could hardly be distinguished from offer of mediation. I pointed out difference; also emphasized President’s clear statement of his reasons for making his earnest representations. My impression from interview is that Minister for Foreign Affairs thinks war parties in Allied countries may consider step at present moment as possibly tending to influence unfavorably solidarity of Allies and that he thinks peace at this moment is no nearer than before German note.

Nelson Page
  1. Ante, p. 97.