File No. 763.72119/212

The Minister in Switzerland (Stovall) to the Secretary of State


449. Referring to my telegram No. 446, December 14.1 An interview at the Political Department fails to bring out any new policy or definite idea about peace. Naturally Switzerland would like to have peace, as it is surrounded by a wall of fire and confronted by belligerents on every side. But Switzerland answers that since no definite propositions have been submitted, the chances of peace are rather remote. The representatives of the Central powers here are so far without advices as to the specific intentions of Germany. No official notice has been taken of the propositions in the Swiss National Council, now in session, but [it awaits indication of] the attitude of the American Government. The rumor which is again published in a Swiss newspaper that Japan will make a separate peace is not credited here. The newly appointed Japanese Minister for Foreign Affairs was Ambassador at Petrograd when the hard and fast alliance with Russia was perfected. Neither Russian Chargé d’Affaires nor any of the representatives of the Allies knows of any dissatisfaction of Japan. The Japanese Minister here denies that Japan is desirous of making a separate peace.

  1. Not printed.