File No. 811.142/1751
The Ambassador in Austria-Hungary (Penfield) to the Secretary of State
[Received September 22, 8.30 a. m.]
1450. Your 1324, August 8, 5 p. m.1 Ministry for Foreign Affairs reply Ministry of War accept offer for establishment one or two American Red Cross missions in Monarchy with sincerest thanks. Ministry of War request that upon organization units, competent surgeons mature age and with knowledge German language be selected. Important missions declare willingness serve at places designated by Ministry of War outside Vienna where extensive surgical talent required. Treatment 600 wounded would be intrusted each mission of six surgeons. Subdivision each unit into two groups desirable. Ministry of War especially appreciate if sanitary materials, especially drugs, rubber articles, etc., necessary for treatment of wounded entrusted to their care, might be brought by missions in greatest quantities possible.
- The same, mutatis mutandis, to the Ambassador in Austria-Hungary, No. 1324.↩