File No. 867.48/427
The Chargé in Turkey (Philip) to the Secretary of State
[Received September 20, 9 p. m.]
2099. My telegram 2078, September 9, 4 p. m. On September 6, I sent following telegram to Consul General at Beirut:
For the information of Embassy please let me know how many members of Beirut chapter American Red Cross might be available for work in connection with representatives Ottoman Red Crescent directing distribution relief supplies should these be sent from United States for the inhabitants of Syria and the Lebanon.
I am now in receipt of the following reply:
Chapter has 25 men, 15 ladies whose service will depend on personnel of cooperating parties. Can not guarantee chapter cooperation unless it has controlling voice in management and distribution. Supplies from America should consist only of wheat, as Syrian can not cook American flour; also sugar, rice, coffee. Can accomplish nothing without oil.