File No. 763.72119/199

The Chargé in Germany (Grew) to the Secretary of State


4725. Referring to my 4722,1 December 12, 12 noon. In handing to me to-day the offer of the German Government to enter into negotiations for peace, the Chancellor made approximately the following remarks which he requests may be regarded as confidential and not given out for publication:

It is in order to hand you this note in person and request you to be good enough to transmit it to your Government that I have asked you to come and see me. By special order of His Majesty the Emperor, my August Sovereign, the note has been issued. From its contents you will gather that the Imperial German Government declare their readiness to enter into peace negotiations, and request the good offices of the United States to the end that the Governments of France, [Great Britain, Japan, Roumania, Russia,] and Serbia may be informed thereof.

It is known to me how lively an interest is taken by the President of the United States, who is desirous to see peace restored to the world, in anything that might lead to that end. What the world is longing for, peace alone will be able to give it; the possibility of each nation to grow and develop towards a higher civilization in the interest of humanity. However, the further separation of nations by still larger streams of blood will not bring about lasting peace; nothing but the common endeavor of all nations, to the end that mutual respect and the recognition of their several rights shall take the place of sanguinary strife, will accomplish this.

Germany’s aim was just this at the time when she drew her sword to defend her right to exist, just as at the present moment of her armies’ successes. As I repeatedly stated in my speeches when I declared that we were ready to make peace, we never aimed at the destruction of our enemies. I believe that mutual respect and good will between the nations is likewise the lofty aim of the President of the United States, whose recent message, in which he asked for the cooperation of the German authorities to bring about a situation enabling him to take early action in this direction, you were kind enough to deliver to me on December 5. It is my sincere hope that this formal and solemn offer to enter immediately into peace negotiations made by Germany and her allies will coincide with the wishes of the President of the United States.

  1. Ante, p. 85.