File No. 861.48/160
The Ambassador in France (Sharp) to the Secretary of State
[Received July 29, 11 a. m.]
1506. Minister for Foreign Affairs in answer to my notes based on your 1542, June 2,1 and circular telegram, July 7,2 states that French Government as well as Allies are most desirous of aiding the suffering population of Poland and that proposals to that end have been made by Great Britain at the request of the Allies to the American Ambassador at London. However, attitude adopted by enemy governments has so far not permitted adoption of these projects. Nevertheless Allies through British Government are communicating to the Government of the United States a new proposal on the subject in hopes of overcoming the difficulties which have opposed the organization of relief. Monsieur Briand requests me to inform you that this communication from the British Government should be considered as a reply of the French Government to my said notes.
This answer from the French Government appears to have been drawn up before the receipt of the President’s letter communicated to Foreign Office on July 25.3 See my 1500, 25th.4