File No. 763.72115/2064

The Ambassador in Germany (Gerard) to the Secretary of State


4042. Your 3111, June 21. When I was at General Headquarters on submarine question,1 all Americans working on relief northern France were brought from Brussels on special train to see me. They explained to me what was going on at Lille, Roubaix, Tourcoing, in the matter of sending civil population of those cities to work in the country and the great irritation caused thereby. I spoke to the Chancellor about the matter. When Hoover was here about two weeks ago he told me that the practice had been stopped. I think therefore there is no chance of this practice going into effect in Belgium, but suggest that if there is danger, which Hoover will know, that Hoover communicate matter to me through Embassy, London, and I shall then take up matter informally with Chancellor direct.2

  1. April 28–May 1, 1916.
  2. This suggestion transmitted to the Ambassador in Great Britain in instruction No. 3917, July 17, 1916.