File No. 867.4016/258a
The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Turkey (Philip)
1852. Inform Turkish Government that Department has received and is still receiving, largely from private but reliable sources, information giving detailed accounts of the sufferings which have accompanied and resulted from the systematic expulsion of the Armenians from their homes and other mistreatment which they have undergone. The Government of the United States therefore again earnestly appeals to the sense of humanity and justice of the Turkish Government and urges it to take immediate steps towards the amelioration of the conditions at present existing among the Armenians and towards the redress of the injuries already inflicted upon them. The Department at the present time is considering the question whether or not it is justified in longer withholding from the American people the facts now in its possession. The decision of the Department as to this question will be greatly influenced by the action which the Turkish Government may take upon the appeal on behalf of the Armenians now made to it by the United States.