File No. 701.6311/250

The Ambassador in Great Britain (Page) to the Secretary of State 1


5321. Following is full text of note dated 15th instant just received from Foreign Office:

With reference to your excellency’s note No. 1600 of the 12th instant respecting the journey to Washington of Count Tarnowski, the newly appointed Austro-Hungarian Ambassador to the United States, I have the honour to state that in view of the fact that the United States Government have now applied in their own name for a safe-conduct, His Majesty’s Government regard the application in a different light and do not desire longer to insist upon their previous decision conveyed to your excellency in Lord Grey’s note of the 25th ultimo. His Majesty’s forces will, therefore, receive instructions not to prevent Count Tarnowski and his suite from accomplishing their journey.

  1. Substance transmitted to the Ambassador in Austria-Hungary, in telegram No. 1457, December 16, 1916.