File No. 312.11/7232
Admiral Winslow to the Secretary of the Navy
Latest reports from Yaqui Valley; buildings and crops belonging to Sheldon and Jones on block 90 were destroyed by Indians December 27 during another raid. This ranch was about seven miles to eastward of nearest neighbor.
John Lehr of Suaqui Grande reported to me in person yesterday that during Yaqui raid of November 11 on Suaqui Grande his son 17 years old was killed and following members of his family carried off by Indians: Wife, daughter 23, daughter 14 and two boys 7 and 5 respectively.
I wrote a letter to the Yaqui Indian Chief Juan Montero requesting that his family be liberated, they being American citizens, but as yet I have received no answer. The able-bodied men of the Mayo Indians who surrendered have been enlisted into the Carranza Army while the other members of the tribe in large numbers have been sent to the southward on trains and it is probable they will return to the Fuerte Valley where they were before and being without food may cause trouble later. 19516.