File No. 812.00/19778

The Acting Secretary of State to Mr. Parker, representing American interests


530. Department has received reliable report from Chihuahua City, forwarded to El Paso by messenger and relayed thence to Washington by telegraph, to the effect that conditions at Chihuahua City are “grave and critical” and that British and American communities ask whether protection can be expected for their lives and interests.

Immediately bring foregoing to personal attention of General Carranza, and urgently request him to exert every effort to protect the lives and interests of foreigners in Chihuahua City; also urge him to give positive instructions to General Treviño that, in case the latter is unable to safeguard the lives and interests of foreigners in Chihuahua City, Treviño so advise them, in order that they may withdraw from the city before actual danger from Villista bandits threatens them.

Request to be informed of action taken.
