File No. 812.00/18980

Mr. Arredondo to the Secretary of State


Mr. Secretary: I have the honor to transcribe to your excellency the following note which I have just received from my Government:

Mr. Secretary: In due response to the polite note of the Department of State dated the 28th of July last, I have the honor to inform your excellency that the Citizen First Chief of the Constitutionalist Army charged with the Executive Power of the Mexican Republic congratulates himself upon the praiseworthy efforts of the American Government to reach a solution of the existing difficulties between the two countries, and to that effect, considering the prompt settlement of the points which have given rise to the existing difficulties between the United States and Mexico to which the note of the Mexican Government dated July the 4th refers, to be of the greatest importance, has deemed it well to designate at once a Commission of three persons, composed of Messrs. Lie. Luis Cabrera, Engineer Ignacio Bonillas, and Engineer Alberto J. Pani, to whom he has already transmitted his instructions in the sense that they should dedicate preferentially their attention to the settlement of the points stated in the former note of this Department.

Mr. Eliseo Arredondo is authorized to treat with the Department of State the details relating to the place and date at which the Commissioners of the Mexican Government shall meet with the Commissioners of the American Government in order to commence their labors.

I reiterate to your excellency the assurances of my highest consideration.

C. Aguilar,
Secretary of Foreign Relations

I take [etc.]

E. Arredondo