File No. 812.00/18749

The Acting Secretary of State to Special Representative Rodgers


222. Your July 19th, 5 p.m. After considering the Mexican proposals outlined to you in Department’s July 13, the President desires and deems it highly important that the scope of the inquiry be broadened, and the Department has suggested that this should be done by the addition of a clause which would enable the Commission to consider such other pending questions the settlement of which would tend to improve the relations of the two countries. It seems to be feared by the de facto Government that such an addition might interfere with the speedy settlement of the border difficulties and questions relating thereto. The Department has asked Mr. Arredondo to make clear to General Carranza that it is no less the [Page 604] desire of this Government that the border question should be the first one to be taken up and settled by the Commission; and in case these negotiations issue satisfactorily, a public announcement to that effect will be made.
