File No. 812.00/18260


1495. Following just received from. Pershing:

Press bulletin announces that General Gavira has stated that new distribution of troops necessitates exchange of plans, and that he intends to confer with me as to cooperation in rounding up outlaws. If General Gavira or other level-headed commander of his rank would actually take the field here and assume control over Carranza troops, believe much of the friction caused by detached commanders could be avoided. With any sort of sincere cooperation on their part Chihuahua could easily be rid outlaw bands and any question of whether Villa is alive or dead soon be settled.

I have advised General Pershing as follows:

In connection with your suggestion as to General Gavira cooperating with you, you are authorized to confer with him so long as you are able to do this without leaving limits of your command. No agreement should be entered into with him which looks to the further withdrawal of your troops at this time or that causes any material change in your present disposition or plans.
