File No. 812.00/18178
The Assistant Secretary of War to the Secretary of State
Washington, May 16, 1916.
My dear Mr. Secretary: Referring further to your letter of April 29, 1916,8 inclosing copy of a letter, dated April 20, 1916, from Mr. Eliseo Arredondo, the local representative of the de facto Government [Page 549] of Mexico, in which he requests to be furnished with certain information concerning the United States military forces now operating in the State of Chihuahua, Mexico, and in which letter you request to be furnished with a statement embodying the desired information, in order that an appropriate reply may be made to Mr. Arredondo’s letter, I have the honor to quote for your information, the following report of the commanding general, Southern Department, Fort Sam Houston, Texas, to whom your letter and its inclosure were referred:
1. The number of engagements between American forces, in Mexico, and Villa bandits, the places where the same have occurred and the names of the American commanders at the head of the forces, are as follows:
- 1.
- At Columbus, N. M., and across the International Boundary, Colonel Herbert J. Slocum, commanding.
- 2.
- Guerrero, Colonel George A. Dodd, Cavalry, commanding.
- 3.
- Balleza Valley, near Parral, Major Robert L. Howze, 11th Cavalry, commanding.
- 4.
- Tomachic, Colonel George A. Dodd, commanding.
- 5.
- Ojo Azules, Major Robert L. Howze, 11th Cavalry, commanding.
Sincerely yours,
- Not printed.↩