File No. 812.00/18103

Special Representative Rodgers to the Secretary of State

No. 36

Sir: I have the honor to report, for the information of the Department, that immediately after the receipt of the Department’s telegram of April 22, 11 p.m., in relation to the matter of arranging for a conference with General Caranza to suggest the meeting of General Hugh L. Scott and General Alvaro Obregon, or some other high officer of the Mexican Army, I tried to make a definite appointment. The telegram was received early on Sunday morning and, as it was Easter Sunday, it was impossible to find any of the officials at an early hour. However, during the early afternoon, I succeeded in finding the Sub-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Señor Amador, and was informed by him that a conference with General Carranza and General Obregon would be arranged for the following morning, which was that of the 24th. Not hearing anything from the Foreign Office in relation to the matter on the morning of the 24th, I reopened the subject, and was informed that I would be communicated with in a short time. About 3 in the afternoon, I was invited to the Foreign Office to see the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, General Aguilar and, when I reached there, was asked if my desired conference with the First Chief would be in relation to the desired meeting between General Scott and General Obregon. Upon my reply that such was the fact, he then stated to me that the First Chief desired him to inform me that General Obregon had left for the northern border at an early hour of the morning, it being his intention there to meet General Scott. It was stated to me by General Aguilar that their information of the desire of the American Government to have this conference was communicated to them on Sunday, April 23, by Señor Arredondo, Mexican Ambassador designate to the United States, and that as a result of a conference, which was held at Chapultepec Castle on the night of April 23, it was determined to send General Obregon at once. In view of this statement, I withdrew my request for an interview with General Carranza, after representing to General Aguilar the wish that there should be a firm control of all Mexican forces in the Northern States, this latter being a branch of the general subject I had intended to take up with the First Chief.

I have [etc.]

James L. Rodgers