File No. 812.00/17917

Mr. Arredondo to the Secretary of State

My Dear Mr. Lansing: I have the honor to transmit herein, for your excellency’s information, a telegram from my Government, received by General Alvaro Obregon, Secretary of War, from General Luis Gutierrez, military commander in Chihuahua, dated the 14th instant:

I have the honor to inform you that the Parral incident, which we all deplore, was caused solely by the lack of communication with General Pershing, commander of the punitive expedition in our territory, as this officer has at no time informed this Military Commandery of the movements of his troops, and much less has he ever consulted, as he should, as to how he should effect his movements to avoid a conflict with our troops, which are entitled to some attention and indispensable consideration. I bring the above to your attention so that the proper investigation may be made.

I have [etc.]

E. Arredondo