File No. 812.00/17870

Collector Cobb to the Secretary of State


Following from Letcher via Edwards, delayed by Mexican authorities in Juarez:

April 14, 6 p.m.

Captain Foulois has just arrived from present headquarters General Pershing at Satevo bringing the foUowing message for immediate transmission to General Funston:

Satevo, April.

Commanding General, Southern Department:

“Just received news of unprovoked attack on Brown at Parral whose soldiers had entered town from camp outside to buy supplies. Two soldiers reported killed and 40 Mexicans killed. Have no other details. Aeroplane probably now there. Send order by automobile for concentration at Parral of Major Tompkins’ column two troops and Major Howze’s column 175 men. Allen with two troops will arrive there to-morrow morning. Brown directed to take measures to protect his command.

“Gutierrez, commanding at Chihuahua, claims that no notice sent regarding our movement. General Herrera, the military representative, commanding in the field, fully informed as to positions, command, direction, general destination our columns in pursuit of Villa.

“Have demanded of Gutierrez the arrest and punishment of parties responsible for this attack and have advised him that the command should not be withdrawn from vicinity Parral. Have directed additional measures to protect mail communication.

[Page 520]

“Urgently request that all troops this command be increased to maximum strength and that one additional regiment of cavalry and one infantry regiment be sent without delay.

