File No. 812.00/17784

Vice Consul Blocker to the Secretary of State


Mexican Consul G. M. Seguin in Eagle Pass, Texas, received telegram today from Consul General at San Antonio, Texas, to be forwarded to Carranza, stating that the Government of the United States, according to rumors in Washington, would withdraw expedition at once, considering object accomplished. The Consul is circulating message widely, expressing his belief that our Government will take such steps in order to maintain good relations with de facto Government. Am informed that he also advised an American citizen yesterday to remain out of Mexico, predicting difficulties with our Government in near future, saying he was surprised I had not given similar advice to this citizen. Americans on border giving much comment on these reports, while Mexicans in general are refraining from comment. Outwardly every courtesy is extended Americans. I am therefore baffled why Consul Seguin would make such statements unless he has instructions bearing on situation.
