File No. 812.00/17539

General Funston to the Adjutant General


1071. I did not know until to-day that John J. Pershing (Brig. Gen.) is with column from Culberson’s, N. M., instead of one from Columbus, N. M. Personal letter written by him from Columbus on 15th instant states that as soon as he got column across the border at Columbus he would go to Culberson’s, and with force there make rapid advance on Casas Grandes, Chihuahua, in hope of getting behind Villa before his purpose is discovered. March to Ascension, Chihuahua, of main body from Columbus is being directed by De Rosy C. Cabell (Lt. Col. 10th Cav.), Chief of Staff. Dispatch from Cabell, first received, states Culberson column left there March 16, 1 a.m.
