File No. 812.00/17524a

The Acting Secretary of State to Special Agent Belt


Our advices from our representatives and military commanders along the border indicate that the officers of the Mexican Government do not seem to understand that the attitude of the de facto Government is to tolerate our troops crossing the border for the purpose of assisting in the capture of Villa. Local commander at Palomas just south of Columbus states that he will oppose entry of United States troops pursuing Villa unless he receives instructions to the contrary. He has received no orders. Troops on point of crossing border at this place. Ascertain and telegraph at once whether any instructions have been given by General Carranza to his military commanders as to course they should pursue in the event of our troops crossing the border to assist in the capture of Villa and whether this particular officer has asked for instructions. Also tactfully and unofficially find out probable attitude of General Carranza if our troops crossed border in face of protest of local commander.
