File No. 882.00/527
The Secretary of the Navy to the Secretary of State
Washington, February 9, 1916.
Sir: I have the honor to invite your attention to the difficulties that exist in maintaining the U. S. S. Chester in Monrovian waters. In compliance with a request from your Department, the U. S. S. Des Moines is being maintained in Mediterranean waters and the U. S. S. Chester is being maintained at Monrovia.
In view of the difficulty of obtaining stores and coal, it has been necessary for the Department to keep a collier in Mediterranean waters for the Des Moines. The Commanding Officer of the Chester has informed the Department that because of the increasing scarcity of coal in the neighborhood of Monrovia, it will be necessary for the Department to maintain a collier in Monrovia as long as the Chester remains on that station. The services of all naval colliers are now in great demand for the supply of the fleet and for the maintenance of coal supplies at naval stations. Only one collier, the U. S. S. Sterling, is available for supplying the Chester and the Des Moines, and since, because of their separation, the Sterling cannot supply both of these vessels, this Department finds itself obliged to recall to the United States either the Chester or the Des Moines.
Arrangements have been made to transport arms and ammunition to Monrovia on board the U. S. S. Sterling, which will leave Norfolk, Va., on the 15th inst. This shipment should be delivered at Monrovia on or about March 5th. It will be necessary to recall the Chester to home waters immediately after the delivery of this shipment.
Sincerely [etc.]