File No. 315.112G75/4
Chargé Spencer to the Secretary of State
Tegucigalpa, October 24, 1916.
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of the Department’s instruction No. 113 of September 23 last regarding the assault upon an American citizen, Mr. J. W. Grace, residing at Tela, by the military comandante at that place.
At the time the first representations were made regarding the conduct of the comandante at Tela, Dr. Vásquez promised a thorough investigation into the whole affair. As nothing further developed and the matter seemed in a fair way to be dropped and forgotten, I addressed an inquiry to the Foreign Office October 23 last, which I delivered in person and which resulted in an appointment being made for an interview with the President of the Republic for the following morning. I submit herewith a copy of my note.
During my interview with President Bertrand I reviewed the brief but active career of the military comandante of Tela, including not only his rabid anti-American acts and threats following the Tela fire but also his ridiculous attempt to compel the American residents of the district to go out and each catch and bring in twenty-five pounds of grasshoppers. While the official investigation brought out some points which the Government considers damaging to the contentions of the American residents, the President seemed convinced that the comandante is not the proper man to hold the post of comandante at Tela and assured me that he would immediately order his removal.
I have advised Consul Dyer at La Ceiba of this decision by telegraph and I believe the promised action of the President will have a salutary effect on other native officials in the Department of Atlantida.
I have [etc.]