File No. 711.4216L/103
The British Ambassador to the Secretary of State
Washington, June 27, 1916.
Sir: With reference to your note of the 6th instant,1 and to previous correspondence respecting the rise of the waters of the Lake of the Woods, I have the honour to inform you that I have now received a further despatch from the Governor General of Canada on this subject, in which it is explained that the statement originally made in my note No. 144 of the 24th of May, to the effect that all the logs had been removed from the dam at the outlet of the Lake, was incorrect. It appears that the officer of the Hydrographic Survey in charge of this work was misinformed on the point, though all the logs which could possibly be removed at the time were taken out. On the 13th June, the date of the latest report, two hundred and fifty-six logs had been removed, and it is understood that only six were still in place. Every effort was being made to take out these remaining logs, but considerable difficulty was being experienced in doing so.
The Canadian authorities ask me to convey to you their regret that the previous information with regard to this matter should have been incorrect.
I have [etc.]
- Not printed.↩