File No. 711.4216L/84

The Secretary of State to the British Ambassador

No. 890

Excellency: Referring to your note of August 4, 1915, relative to the overflow of the Lake of the Woods, I have the honor to inform you that, in a letter of September 7, 1915, the Governor of Minnesota, in response to the Department’s letter informing him that one hundred and forty-two logs were removed from the dam at Kenora in July last, advised me that the Mayor of Warroad was informed of this fact, but had, under date of August 31 last, advised the Governor that, while the removal of these logs had reduced the water height about seventeen inches, the logs had been replaced in the dam on August 22.

The Department will be glad if you will take steps to the end that this report may be investigated, and, if found to be true, that such action be taken as will insure the future maintenance of the level of the lake at its normal elevation.

I have [etc.]

Robert Lansing