File No. 711.4216L/74
The Secretary of State to the British Ambassador
Washing ton, July 8, 1915.
Excellency: Referring to the Department’s note No. 18, of May 19, 1913, and your excellency’s reply of June 23, 1914, concerning the level of the Lake of the Woods, I have the honor to advise you of the receipt of a telegram from the Mayor of Warroad, Minnesota, reporting that the overflow of the lake is at present causing great damage to farmers in Minnesota. He states that the land is being washed away and that the roads leading to Warroad are flooded. He attributes the extreme height of the water to the dam at Kenora, Ontario.
I shall be greatly obliged, therefore, if you will bring the matter to the attention of the Canadian authorities in order that they may take such steps as may be deemed necessary to insure the maintenance of the level of the lake at the normal elevation. I shall appreciate it if you will advise me of the reply of the Canadian authorities.
I have [etc.]