File No. 711.4216L/66
The British Ambassador to the Secretary of State
Washington, January 23, 1914.
My dear Mr. Secretary: You will recollect that on May 19 last you submitted to me a protest regarding the flooding of lands adjacent to the Lake of the Woods on the American side of the boundary. On June 17 the Canadian Government forwarded to me a reply to this protest setting forth the action already taken in the premises by the competent authorities. I find that through a clerical oversight this reply was never transmitted to you, and I therefore now beg to enclose copy of a despatch from the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario to the Canadian Secretary of State, dated June 9 last giving information as to the action taken.
In this connection, I venture to ask you for certain information relating to the Lake of the Woods. My attention has recently been drawn to statements made in various quarters to the effect that similar protests regarding damage caused by floods from this Lake have in past years been received by my Government through the Department of State. Inasmuch as I have as yet been unable to discover in the archives of the Embassy any trace of such a protest having been made, I should be much obliged if you could inform me whether there is any record in your Department of representations having been made either to this Embassy or to the Foreign Office in London on this subject.
I am [etc.],